Brother Eduardo V. Manalo visited F. Manalo (Local’s 75th Anniversary)

On March 12, 2023, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo visited F. Manalo,  San Juan, Philippines to officiate for a special worship. The event commemorated the Local Congregation’s 75th anniversary. Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s visit demonstrated the Church’s dedication to serving its people and spreading the gospel word.

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo offered a stunning message to the members of the Church during the worship session. He reminded them of God’s commandment to help those in need. He highlighted that communicating the truth and urging individuals to join the true Church of Christ is the best way to help. His sermon was a call to action for Church members to continue sharing the gospel and bringing people closer to God.

The Local Congregation of F. Manalo has a long and illustrious history dating back 75 years.

It was founded in 1946 and has remained a community staple ever since. Members of the Church have worked tirelessly over the years to promote the gospel message and offer a place of worship for their community. Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s visit served as a reminder of the Church’s commitment to its people and its goal to proclaim the truth.

The worship session was a particularly remarkable occasion for the members of the F. Manalo Local Congregation. It was a time for them to gather in worship and fellowship. As well as to commemorate the 75th anniversary of their founding.

The Iglesia Ni Cristo has a presence in countries all over the world as a global organization. Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s visit to this local is only one example of the Church’s dedication to supporting its people. It exemplifies the Church’s purpose to bring people closer to God and to make a good difference in communities all around the world.

Finally, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s visit to the Local Congregation of F. Manalo in San Juan, Metro Manila, was extremely memorable. It commemorated the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Local Congregation. It provided an opportunity for Church members to gather in worship and friendship. Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s message served as a strong reminder of the Church’s responsibility to proclaim the truth and bring people closer to God. The visit demonstrated the Church’s dedication to its people and its mission to make a positive difference in communities around the world.

Photos courtesy of INC News & Updates and Executive News.

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