
In Singapore, the presence of Filipino workers is significant, with around 200,000 Filipinos employed in various sectors, according to the Philippine Embassy. Understanding the challenges faced by Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, the leader of the Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ), instructed the launch of the Care for Humanity event on July 25, 2023. This initiative, spearheaded by the FYM Foundation, was an integral part of Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s Pastoral Visitation program in Singapore. Through the distribution of care packages, the Iglesia ni Cristo aimed to express their support and bring happiness to OFWs in Singapore. Join us as we explore this impactful event and the gratitude expressed by the OFWs towards Brother Eduardo V. Manalo.

Care for Humanity Event: Supporting OFWs in Singapore:

The Care for Humanity event organized by the Iglesia ni Cristo was a heartfelt initiative to provide support and upliftment to OFWs in Singapore. Under the guidance of Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, this event aimed to address the needs and challenges faced by Filipino workers abroad, acknowledging their significant contributions to the Singaporean workforce.

Distribution of Care Packages:

Led by Brother Glicerio P. Santos IV, the General Auditor of the Iglesia ni Cristo, and other Ministers from the Central Office, the distribution of care packages became the highlight of the event. OFW guests and brethren were the first beneficiaries, receiving these thoughtful packages. The gesture brought joy and gratitude to the recipients, demonstrating the care and concern shown by Brother Eduardo V. Manalo and the Iglesia ni Cristo community.

Expressing Gratitude to Brother Eduardo V. Manalo:

The invited OFW guests and brethren were deeply appreciative of Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s initiative. The Care for Humanity event not only provided essential support but also served as a reminder that the Church of Christ is always mindful of the welfare and well-being of its members. The expressions of happiness and gratitude from the OFWs reflected the positive impact of this initiative on their lives.

Community Support and Upliftment:

The Care for Humanity event in Singapore showcased the Iglesia ni Cristo’s commitment to providing assistance and upliftment to OFWs. Beyond the distribution of care packages, the event fostered a sense of community and camaraderie among the attendees. It served as a reminder that they are not alone in their journey and that the Church of Christ stands with them every step of the way.


The Care for Humanity event organized by the Iglesia ni Cristo for OFWs in Singapore exemplified the compassion and support provided by Brother Eduardo V. Manalo and the Church of Christ. Through the distribution of care packages, the event brought happiness and gratitude to the OFWs, acknowledging their significant contributions and addressing their needs. This initiative reaffirmed the Church’s commitment to supporting the Filipino community abroad and uplifting the spirits of the OFWs in Singapore.

Photos & Video courtesy of INC News & Updates and Executive News.