In a truly significant congregation, members of the Church Of Christ gathered for a momentous worship service led by the esteemed Brother Eduardo V. Manalo. This special event was graced by the ordination of 36 new ministers, signifying a substantial spiritual milestone within the Church. Furthermore, the worship service served as a poignant commemoration of milestone anniversaries of local congregations and ecclesiastical districts. Amidst the inspiring teachings, a key message resonated: the essential role of devotion and unyielding dedication to attending worship services, irrespective of circumstances, to uphold one’s Church membership and attain the promised salvation.

Uniting in Worship and Faith

The worship service led by Brother Eduardo V. Manalo within the Local Congregation of Cubao was not just an assembly; it was a testament to the strong bond that unites members of the Church Of Christ. From all corners of life, believers congregated to partake in this spiritually uplifting experience, celebrating their faith as a collective entity.

The Ordination of 36 New Ministers

Central to the occasion was the ordination of 36 new ministers—a heartening testament to the Church’s commitment to nurturing spiritual leaders. These individuals, chosen to be ministers, have accepted the solemn responsibility of guiding fellow believers, upholding the tenets of faith, and propagating the teachings of the Church.

Celebrating Milestone Anniversaries

The worship service wasn’t solely about ordinations; it was also an opportunity to honor the milestone anniversaries of local congregations and ecclesiastical districts. These anniversaries serve as a commemorative timeline of growth, progress, and unity within the Church. They symbolize the collective accomplishments of the Church Of Christ community.

Prioritizing Devotion and Commitment

At the core of the gathering was a Bible-based homily that resonated deeply with attendees. The sermon emphasized the paramount importance of devoting oneself to prayer and resolutely attending worship services. In the face of life’s challenges, this steadfast commitment to the Church is a cornerstone of maintaining one’s faith and spiritual journey.

Enriching the Spiritual Journey

The worship service, led by Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, signifies the Church Of Christ‘s dedication to guiding its members toward spiritual enrichment. The event encapsulates the values and teachings that are fundamental to the Church—a profound sense of community, devotion, and an unwavering commitment to the divine word.


The worship service led by Brother Eduardo V. Manalo within the Local Congregation of Cubao is a resounding testament to the Church Of Christ’s unwavering dedication to nurturing the spiritual growth and well-being of its members. The ordination of 36 ministers and the commemoration of milestone anniversaries epitomize the Church’s enduring vigor and dedication. Through the teachings imparted during the service, members were reminded of the essential nature of devotion, unswerving commitment, and the pathway to achieving God’s promised salvation. This event will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of all who attended, reinforcing their faith and sense of belonging within the Church Of Christ.

Photos & Video courtesy of INC News & Updates and Executive News.