On March 3, 2024, the Executive Minister of the Church Of Christ, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, led a worship service in the Local Congregation of Batasan Hills 1, Ecclesiastical District of Quezon City. During this significant event, attendees were blessed with an enriching message delivered by the revered leader.

A Bible-Based Homily

In his sermon, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo emphasized the importance of living a life that is holy and pleasing to God. Drawing from biblical teachings, he underscored the necessity for members of the Church to abide by all of God’s commands.

The Call to Holiness

According to Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, leading a holy life involves obedience to God’s precepts. He encouraged the congregation to strive for righteousness in their actions and thoughts.

Importance of Obedience

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo highlighted the significance of obeying God’s commands as a manifestation of genuine faith.He stressed that obedience is not merely an obligation but a demonstration of love and devotion to God.


In conclusion, the worship service officiated by Brother Eduardo V. Manalo served as a reminder of the fundamental principles of living a life that is pleasing to God.

As members of the Church Of Christ, it is imperative to heed the teachings imparted by the Executive Minister and strive for spiritual growth and obedience in our daily lives.

By following the guidance of Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, believers can cultivate a deeper relationship with God and experience the fulfillment that comes from living according to His will.

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